Don’t rush to replace the server when the upgrade goes apparently wrong. After upgrading to 22.04, it amazingly has returned. I suppose something in the DNS had to change. Or something. At least it’s back to working and now I can look into replacing the DESKTOP with SERVER versions. Don’t worry, I’ll make a proper backup before I embark on that adventure in WHAT, at least 2 more years if not longer
I did it
you’ll notice the menu at the top of the posts page is gone! Now if I could only get email working!
I think it was all the bike riding
that kept me in good shape for that mother-of-all-MS-attacks. It was so unexpected. So devastating. But thankfully one of my main loves was riding my bicycle. Like I’ve said previously, I book a 2,000+ mile year the year before I went down. I was feeling pretty decent.
But alas, riding form can’t hang out forever. I’ve began putting on weight so as soon as the wind dies down I’ve got to start pushing peddels a little further than stearnts. I’ve got to get 90, and go further.
Wish me luck!
Ah email, you’ve always been my unicorn
And we all remember from gone in 60 seconds it is not a good thing.
I’m terraforming my site, slowly but surely. Hopefully it’ll turn out now that I’ve switched to an Original theme..
How i see it
Mjnet will be my tech, geekery and everything else that doesnt involve MS.
So while im finishing up
I was thinking about documenting my journey with MS.
OMG – I think I’ve done it
I’ve got SSL setup on TK. Check your lock in your browser. I think i can scratch this off the list TFG! At least for the hosting part. Now ive got to get the design down!
Vax ++
I got my pfizer booser today.
That along with my recent bought with 19 should mean I’m pretty impervious to C virus. I hope.
TK is (almost) back
But I’ve got to get my booster today. So that first. then I’ll get back to getting TK up.