
I made the switch to my old desktop. That was previously running ubuntu. As It’s getting older, It need something a bit more lightweight. And since ubuntu was crashing on the install (both 24.04 and 22.04) I decided to take the plunge. I’ll update any insights here. Although they’ve already all been documented.


But I’m going to have to up the rating level with this post. He’s already attacking p0rn. And it’s sicking to see people’s rights trampled like this. And he hasn’t even assumed office yet. Luckily I live in the blue state of Illinois, and can circumvent without using a VPN. but I’ll likely need a foreign one now. See what your blockades hath wrought? Dumbass. I bet there are a lot of people with regret now.

Didja Vote

I did! We did! The adults, anyway.

I had a picture of the wife and our youngest post voting, but to protect her identity, I’ve decided to withhold it.

Can you

spot the visitor in the cover photo? clue: its another planet.


A photos of my own graces TK! A picture of the eclipse 2024 in Indian as viewed from my s24+ through solar glasses.