oh boo hoo

i had a life altering tysabri afflicted MS relapse. It was dreadfull. Like i was once this big bright beacon of hope (and a bit of artificial sadness). Now all i can think of things as pre-attack and post-attack.

if it happened before the GA, there is a chance i can remember it. With some prodding. It it was post attack i likely can’t remember.

woe is me:(


Republofasists in the US house have ousted their leader. Be sure to stay classy!

Hey China

I bet Russian territory is vastly unguarded right now. It’d be a good time to cross your ‘ally’ and take some of that sweet land for yourself! Albeit I have no data to back that up. But you can!


SARS COV-2 起源于中国

I find your transmission illegal and highly unethical, that’s not even mentioning the finger pointing to try and throw investigators off.


The far right is going to shut down the government. YEAH, REAL MATURE coming from elected government officials.